
How Stressed Are You?

weekly memo

Last week I began my initial interviews with my practice clients.  I have 7 amazing women and 1 brave man.  I loved hearing their stories, getting to know more about them, and learning about their health goals.


I see across the board how stress impacts all of them. Did you know that 90% of emergency room visits are stress-related?


We all are familiar with the typical modern-day stressors: 


  • money 
  • relationship dynamics
  • career demands
  • family responsibilities and caregiving


There are other elements of stress that we may not be aware of:


  • Nervous system dysregulation - Living in a state of fight or flight or survival mode
  • Rehearsing and ruminating on fear-based thoughts
  • People pleasing


  • Eating quickly 
  • Undereating - not fueling yourself with nourishing foods
  • Blood sugar dysregulation - eating a lot of processed carbohydrates and sugar
  • Relying on caffeine to make it through the day


  • Over Exercising
  • Sitting all day long and never getting outdoors


  • Overcommitting your time and energy
  • Always being overscheduled and on the go - never taking time to rest and decompress


  • Staying up late and getting less than 7 hours of sleep/night
  • Scrolling social media and the news


You’ve likely heard of the stress hormone cortisol.  We need this hormone to rise in the morning to help us get out of bed and get our day started. 


If you’re living life feeling like a tiger is constantly chasing you it has a downstream effect on your blood sugar, digestion, and sleep.


Stress is one of the five foundational pillars of health I’m studying.  In our modern world, how can you support your stress response without creating one more thing you have to do?


In voice-noting with my bestie (who’s juggling an 8-year-old and 84-year-old Mom) she said she’s learned that it’s important to pause and listen to what your body needs.  I agree.  I told her story here.


Women are often socialized to put everyone else’s needs ahead of their own.  I encourage you to check in to see what you need to support your body.


Some ideas to help manage stress:


  • Feel your emotions rather than bury them
  • Ask for help - so often we believe we have to go it alone in life - or we assume others can read our minds
  • Put your phone on do not disturb
  • Say “no” and risk disappointing someone
  • Take a walk
  • Take a nap - rest is productive
  • Eat a nourishing meal 
  • Close your eyes and take 3 cleansing breaths
  • Take time to sit and do absolutely nothing - and don’t shame yourself for it
  • Listen to your favorite music
  • Read a book
  • Connect with a friend
  • Spend time in nature


Can you take one of these items and put it on your calendar?  Carve out time to support your stress level and nervous system.  


It will have a powerful ripple effect on your overall health.  As we head into summer how can you slow down a bit and enjoy the longer days?


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