
Do you have good energy?

weekly memo

I’ve been reading a fascinating book by Dr. Casey Means called Good Energy.  It’s all about how the quality of our food determines if our body can make good energy.


Every cell in our body is made from the food we eat.


Casey and her brother are on a personal mission to spread the message that poor metabolic health leaves your cells struggling to make good energy. 


The statistics say that a whopping 88% of us are in trouble.


When we don’t make good energy in our cells we’re left with brain fog, fatigue, irritability, depression, anxiety, and weight gain.


When we’re running on fumes we can’t show up in the world in our best capacity. 


Given the state of our world these days it seems that a lot of us are running on little to no good energy.


Last weekend I flew to Portland to be with family to celebrate my Uncle's life.  It seems I’m in that season of life where the elders are leaving us.  We had an amazing time sharing funny and touching memories. I’m so grateful to reconnect with family I haven’t seen in a long time.


On the flight up I boarded the plane and greeted the young flight attendant with, “Good morning.  How are you?”  She seemed surprised that anyone cared.


She replied, “We’ll see once we get everyone boarded.”  I asked if she was having a challenging morning. 


She said, “Yes”. 


I then asked if she needed a hug.  She smiled and said she might.


She asked me to wait in the doorway as there was a seating issue she needed to resolve.  I assured her it was no problem.  I was happy to wait.


She resolved the issue and thanked me for being so understanding.


It got me thinking about the energy we’re creating in our bodies and the energy we’re putting out into the world each day. 


Do they go hand in hand?


Towards the end of the flight, Chandler, the lovely flight attendant handed me a postcard with a package of cookies taped to it.  She thanked me for being so kind to her.  


As I exited the plane I thanked her for her sweet note. 


And I hugged her.  We had each exchanged good energy.


When we eat nourishing food, manage our stress, and get enough sleep it properly feeds our cells.  We can go out into the world and spread good energy.



Have a great week!

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