
Are you on the list - invest in yourself

weekly memo

Feel like you’re doing everything right but still not seeing big results in your health?

You’ve been to multiple specialists.

Another follow-up appointment.

More tests and bloodwork.

Another medication.

But it feels like your symptoms aren’t going away.

Low energy.

The scale doesn’t budge.

Poor sleep.


Frequent colds and coughs.

You’re following doctor’s orders, leaving you wondering why none of it is working.

And the worst part?

You believe it’s normal not to feel well.

That’s what my doctor told me at 44.

You’ve been told aging means you’re supposed to:

Be exhausted every morning.

Rely on coffee just to function.

Feel bloated after every meal.

Live with daily brain fog.

Think aches and pains are part of getting older.

These aren’t signs of aging.  

These are signs your body is asking for help.

We’ve never been sicker, so I want to help you understand how you can feel your best.

Because here’s the truth:

Our modern healthcare system is great when you get in a car accident, break your leg, or have a heart attack.

It’s not built to get to the root cause of your symptoms.

Doctors don’t have time and aren’t trained in root-cause medicine.

They have two tools - a prescription pad and a scalpel.

It’s why I see clients who’ve been on a hamster wheel for years, trying to figure out why they don’t feel well.

You end up with another medication and another test. 

Around and around you go.

The result?

We have a chronic disease epidemic that we’re spending $4.5 trillion dollars a year on.

And we’re getting sicker by the year.

It’s not your fault.

Every week at the gym, I’m asked about things like fatty liver, type 2 diabetes, autoimmune conditions, and heartburn.

These all have a root cause in food and lifestyle choices.

They aren’t a medication deficiency.

Good thing there’s a better way.

Instead of trying to chase another specialist for another medication, we go back to the basics.

Because the basics work.

The basics don’t rely on chasing symptoms.

They don’t take hours of your time every week.

And the basics actually have the potential to change your health.

This means you start feeling better and have more energy, fewer digestive issues, fewer colds and coughs, and less joint pain.

It all starts with one simple principle:

Foundations over fads.

Here’s how you and I work together:

You decide to improve your health and believe in your ability to do so.

You choose your health goals.

You answer questions about your health.

We do a 45 minute call so that I can ask detailed questions about your health history and your health goals.

I review everything and make recommendations regarding sleep, stress, blood sugar, digestion, and nutrition.

You receive all my best and easiest tips to implement so you begin to notice changes in your health.

We have weekly check-ins to see what’s going well and where you need support.

In between our calls, you can text me for support.

I know you'll feel better if you implement what I suggest over our three months together.

Have you put your needs on the list as you prepare for the holidays?

I’m sure you’re the glue that holds the family together.

Your list is a mile long with everything you need to do for others.

The gifts to buy and wrap.

The meals to prepare.

The house to decorate.

You’ve likely pushed your own needs off until January.

2025 is in 21 days.

You can make this the year you ditch the symptoms and have vitality.

Please stop piecing together advice from the internet on the latest diet craze that’s popular on Tik Tok.

Stop asking your doctor for nutritional advice - he or she likely had less than six hours of training.

Most importantly, if you want to stop dieting for good and understand the simple changes that can improve your health, I’d love to talk with you.

If you want to lose 15 pounds in a month, I’m not the nutritionist for you. 

But if you want to make sustainable changes to your health, you’re in the right place.

Frank, 73, came to me with glucose numbers that went up and down like a roller coaster ride.

He’s a type 2 diabetic, and his doctor never explained how changing his food would change his diabetes.

He decided to invest and improve his health.

He took imperfect action and made the easy changes to his diet that I suggested.

His continuous glucose monitor reflected the change.

No more glucose highs and lows. 

His words a few months later:

"The main goal was to reduce my highs and lows of my glucose numbers. Clearly, the plan is working with much improvement in my numbers. I am still working on fine-tuning my eating habits. It's been straightforward on what I need to do. That was the original idea. The biggest challenge was breakfast intake, and that is working."

Frank got these results by understanding how food impacts his blood sugar. 
Here’s how I teach it:

  • Understand how to build a meal whether you’re at home, dining out, or on vacation. You’ll understand how to use foods to have the body and energy you want.  You notice your hunger, energy, and cravings, and we adjust from there.
  • Identify how stress and sleep quality may be impacting your overall health and even your ability to lose weight.
  • You get my easiest grocery shopping tips, so you don’t have to spend hours planning meals. I can also help you with a meal delivery service if you don’t like cooking.
  • With your newfound energy, you can spend time with your family, pursue your hobbies, and take the trip you’ve been dreaming of.

That’s it.

Stop trying to eat like a bird or implement some crazy diet that won’t stick; do the basics I teach you really well.

But for now, ask yourself:

What could your health look like this time next year?

Are you ready to give yourself that gift?

Midlife is a powerful transition, not an ending!

Are you ready to unlearn all the negative, scary messages you've been told about aging and menopause and learn how to look and feel your best so that you can thrive in midlife?

Rise above the statistics and reclaim your health, vibrancy, and energy.

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