
Aging Is A Privilege

weekly memo

In 2021, I started an Instagram series called Ask the Expert. I want women to feel empowered and understand how their bodies work.


I asked a dear friend, a physical therapist, if she had a recommendation for a pelvic floor PT who could come on Instagram with me to educate and answer questions.  She was excited to introduce me to Melia Perizzo.


Melia and I emailed, and she was delighted to speak with my audience.  When we spoke on the phone, I could tell immediately how lovely she was.


I emailed to announce our Instagram Live and asked people to send in their questions. My inbox received a lot of replies. I touched on a sensitive topic that women wanted support on.  


Our first conversation was a huge hit. Melia explained the pelvic floor in a way that everyone could understand. There was kindness and light to her. 


She was generous with her time and information. I received an overwhelming number of emails and DMs. Everyone loved her—could she please come back again?


I emailed her, thanked her for being generous with my audience, and asked her to come back. She was delighted to spend another hour with us on Instagram Live.


Our second conversation with Melia was equally as popular.  I had more emails and DMs thanking me for the education and support.  


Two years ago came the post on Instagram announcing that Melia had a rare form of cancer in her bile duct.  My heart sank.  I was devastated for her, her husband, and their two children.  


How could this kind and beautiful woman have cancer?  Her community rallied around her as she went to Mayo Clinic and City of Hope in search of answers and treatment.


Her husband started an Instagram page devoted to giving updates on her surgeries and treatments.  I always held out hope for her and prayed for a miracle.


I’m devastated to announce that Melia passed away last week at the age of 43. 

She was a bright light in this world who served women by educating and empowering them in her work as a PT.  


She was kind and generous.  I think of her husband and two teenage children, who have suffered such a tremendous loss.


I know I have kind people in this community.  If you feel called to leave a word of encouragement for Melia’s husband and children, you can do so here.



Her passing is a sobering reminder that aging is a privilege.  Our health is a precious gift.

Midlife is a powerful transition, not an ending!

Are you ready to unlearn all the negative, scary messages you've been told about aging and menopause and learn how to look and feel your best so that you can thrive in midlife?

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